How to Find the Joy in Teaching This School Year


As educators prepare for yet another back-to-school season, the weight of responsibilities and expectations might overshadow the joy that once drew them to the profession. The demands of curriculum, assessment, and administrative tasks become overwhelming for all educators at one point or another. However, finding and nurturing the reason educators originally entered the profession is essential not only for the well-being of teachers but also for creating a positive and enriching learning environment for students. Looking to gain some inspiration around how to bring passion and enthusiasm back into the classroom? Read on.

Incorporate Creativity into the Classroom

Creativity can solve almost any problem—add it into lesson planning and let it work its magic. Seek inspiration from various sources, such as Seesaw’s educational blogs, workshops, conferences, and collaboration with colleagues. Explore innovative teaching methods, hands-on activities, and interactive technologies (like Seesaw’s!) that can make learning more enjoyable for both you and your students. When you see your students actively engaged and excited about learning, the joy of teaching grows and blooms.

Foster a Positive Classroom Culture

A positive and supportive classroom culture is the foundation for an enjoyable teaching experience. Create a safe and inclusive space where students feel valued and respected by encouraging open communication and active participation, and celebrating the diverse strengths and talents of each student. When an educator is able to create an atmosphere of celebration and acceptance, more than just learning occurs—students feel engaged and appreciated so they are more willing to try new things, think creatively, and participate actively leading to more advanced learning.

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Celebrate Successes

The seasons of the school year are busy. It’s as simple as that. This makes it crucial to take time to celebrate successes, both big and small. By acknowledging students’ achievements and progress (as well as your own!), educators are able to more clearly see how much of a difference they have made in the lives of others. Recognizing these moments of triumph will bring immense joy and satisfaction to the teaching journey.

Establish Meaningful Connections

Building meaningful relationships with students and colleagues can heavily impact the joy teachers find in teaching. Taking the time to get to know students individually and show genuine interest in their lives fosters trust and connection as well as a stronger teacher-student relationship. Building a connection can also expand beyond the classroom. Connecting with families and bringing them into the learning process will bring joy and a shared focus on academic growth.

The Real-World Relevance of Lessons

When students see the practical implications of their learning, their enthusiasm grows, leading to a sense of accomplishment for teachers, knowing they are making a meaningful impact. Do this by helping students understand the real-world relevance of the subjects taught by making connections between the curriculum and everyday life, illustrating how the knowledge and skills they acquire are applicable beyond the classroom.

Engage in Professional Development

Engaging in continuous professional development not only enhances your teaching skills but also infuses enthusiasm into your teaching practice. Attend workshops, conferences, and webinars that focus on areas of interest and relevance to your classroom. Seesaw is a great resource to help you jumpstart your professional development journey. Connect with other educators and share experiences and ideas. Being part of a supportive professional community can reignite your passion for teaching and remind you of the joy that comes from learning and growing.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset enables educators to bounce back from setbacks and failures more seamlessly. Instead of viewing challenges as obstacles, embrace them as opportunities for growth and improvement. By recognizing that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, both teachers and students are able to approach each day with an open mind, ready to learn from experiences and adapt teaching strategies accordingly. This growth mindset will not only help teachers find joy in the journey but will also inspire students to do the same, creating an ideal learning environment for everyone.


Teaching is no easy feat, but it is a profession that holds the potential to shape and change the lives of countless individuals. Teachers and educators know that there’s no such thing as enough time, resources, or energy. Seesaw is a great resource that helps reconcile some of these discrepancies as it saves teachers time, fosters creativity, and challenges students in an affordable and unique way.

With the help of Seesaw’s online learning platform, enter the new school year with renewed enthusiasm, passion, and a commitment to rediscover the joy in teaching as this joy is contagious and has the power to inspire students to become lifelong learners with a genuine love for education.

If you found these tips helpful, help students to also prioritize self care in your classroom.

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