Marnie Diem’s Success Story

The voice tags in Seesaw have been one of the most powerful tools on the platform because they allow me to reach all my learners. Instead of having to read directions, words, or stories, I can read them to each student individually using a voice tag. Imagine if I had 24 kids coming up to me asking me to read them a word, or a sentence… with the voice tags in Seesaw, you can accomplish exactly that! It allows students to feel that independence as they work through activities on their own, the sense of accomplishment is unsurpassed!

I remember doing one activity with first graders where they had to complete a series of small challenges, the last one being a “color the word pattern” challenge. Because I used voice tags on each page and each piece of readable text, all throughout the room I heard my voice echoing as little minds churned, absorbing information and putting it into action. I love the sound of differentiation with Seesaw!

Students feel independence as they work through activities on their own, the sense of accomplishment is unsurpassed!

Marnie Diem

Marnie Diem

Instructional Technology Coach

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