Michelle Gibson’s Success Story

Seesaw has empowered me to look for creative ways to make learning more accessible for my students. As a primary teacher, I encounter many students with varying needs, some are already identified and outlined with an IEP in place while others are just at the beginning of their journey. The flexibility Seesaw provides allows students to show their learning in the way they are able to at that moment with audio, text, images, matching, captioning, etc. It has also proven to be helpful for my kids who are more shy. They thrive on Seesaw and relish the opportunity to show their creativity and share ideas in their own time and in their own way.

We once had a student who was a selective mute and did not feel comfortable responding to questions or asking questions in front of others. We began to put her assignments on Seesaw and she was able to go to the quiet corner of the room, away from everyone, and record herself sharing her ideas or answering questions. We already knew she was capable but was wonderful to see her rise to the challenge and by the end of the year, she felt more comfortable speaking to a few friends!

Seesaw has empowered me to look for creative ways to make learning more accessible for my students.

Michelle Gibson

Michelle Gibson

Kindergarten Teacher

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