Seesaw’s Standards and Curriculum Alignment Tool

Browse the Seesaw Library based on curricula and educational standards.

Jump to the “How to Use” section.

How to Use this Tool

  • Click the “Standards” tab and select state, national, or international standards. Then, choose a subject and grade level.
  • To view more than one grade level at a time, choose an option below!
    • Option 1: Select a grade level and “drag” your mouse to choose grade levels immediately before or after it in the list.
    • Option 2: Press and hold the “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) key on your keyboard as you select multiple grade levels from the menu.
  • Click Search.
  • Click the blue “Correlations” button to see which Seesaw lessons align to the standard. Click on a title to access the lesson!
  • Click the “Curriculum” tab and select your curriculum of choice.
  • Then, choose the state, national, or international standard set you use.
  • Next, select the grade level(s) alignments you want to explore.
  • To view more than one grade level at a time, choose an option below!
    • Option 1: Select a grade level and “drag” your mouse to choose grade levels immediately before or after it in the list.
    • Option 2: Press and hold the “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) key on your keyboard as you select multiple grade levels from the menu.
  • Click Search.
  • Find the unit or module you are teaching and explore corresponding Seesaw lessons by clicking the blue “Correlations” button. Click on a title to access the lesson!


The curriculum alignments provided by Seesaw detail the correlation between the standards addressed in the above-mentioned curricula and the lessons in the Seesaw Library. Seesaw’s curriculum alignments are provided by Seesaw directly and are not affiliated with, sponsored by, reviewed, approved, or endorsed by any of the above-mentioned curriculum publishers or any other third party. All other intellectual property rights (e.g., unregistered and registered trademarks and copyrights) are the property of their respective owners.

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