Jeanne Paff’s Success Story

When we were given some required assessments as part of our math curriculum, I was able to create digital assessments in Seesaw using the content. I could read the questions to students so that they could take the assessments at their own pace. I had a digital copy of their results to guide instruction. I could make the questions more interactive for students. I was able to assess their knowledge of the content, not their ability to take a test or their patience as they waited for others to finish.

I appreciate that parents are able to see their student’s work on a daily basis. This allows them to understand and support learning in the classroom and to help students make corrections on work sent back for editing. This also helps parents see student effort. The parent communication and assignment editing features have been a great way to forge a partnership with parents to support student learning.

I was able to assess their knowledge of the content, not their ability to take a test.

Jeanne Paff

Jeanne Paff

Kindergarten Teacher

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