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Seesaw ELD

Supplemental K-5 English Language Development Program exclusively for Seesaw Instruction & Insights

English Language acquisition with engaging, powerful lessons that allow multilingual learners to excel in academic content with confidence

Seesaw English Language Development (ELD)

Engaging, scaffolded lessons to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the context of 480+ ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies lessons.

  • Grade-level appropriate lessons can be flexibly implemented in a variety of ELD models
  • Aligned with WIDA and ELD state standards and frameworks, and developed with language & content experts
  • Students develop an understanding of content and language concurrently, with academic content as a context for language learning
  • Validated as an ESSA Tier IV evidence-based intervention

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Seesaw ELD

Seesaw ELD was developed with language and content experts and follows the WIDA framework. 

  • 3 Levels of language acquisition per lesson
  • K-5 students learn core academic content & English language development
  • 480+ ELA, math, science, and social studies lessons
  • Multimodal tools create a safe space for students to practice language skills at every ability level
  • Communicate with families through two-way messaging with translation into 100+ languages

A Safe Space to Practice

Students learn, practice, and build confidence in a safe space that honors students’ strengths and experiences. 


Students use audio recording, video, and screen recording tools to practice without the pressure of performing in front of others.

Listening & Watching

Audio inputs and modeling make grade-level content, complex ideas, and new vocabulary accessible, which drives language acquisition.

Self-Assessing & Reflecting

Students can listen to their recording and progress – a powerful learning experience that builds ownership, motivation, and confidence.

Seesaw ELD Case Study

Multilingual Learners, also known as English Language Learners (ELLs), English Learners (ELs), or Emergent bilingual learners (EB), are the fastest-growing demographic of students across the U.S., making English language development (ELD) a high-priority area for schools and districts across the United States.
A 2023 pilot study was conducted across 5 United States elementary schools in California and Wisconsin and resulted in significant engagement and language acquisition metrics.

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Seesaw ELD engages our multilingual learners in ways not possible through traditional pencil and paper workbooks. I have found students are enthusiastic when they use the multimodal tools to record their voice and then listen to their responses.

Cheryl Carter, Digital Education Coordinator at Vacaville Unified School District

Learn more about Seesaw ELD

Each subject has 10 base lessons that cover the content area standard, with 3 levels of language acquisition for each lesson.

Entering and Beginning

Entering & Beginning

Students have simple sentences to work within, real-world modeling, and ample practice opportunities.

Developing & Expanding

Students expand sentences in oral interaction and written paragraphs, experiment with more specific and technical language, and continue to have opportunities for guided practice.

Developing and Expanding
Bridging and Reaching

Bridging & Reaching

Students incorporate specialized or technical language in content areas. They use a variety of sentences and sentence lengths. Oral or written language is comparable to English-proficient peers.

Math tools


Students build math fluency and confidence through engaging activities that provide opportunities to explain their understanding of foundational concepts, including numbers, counting, fractions, algebraic thinking, data, and more.


Exploring phenomena across topics in Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering, students investigate scientific questions, make observations, and construct scientific arguments using evidence.



Students engage with narrative and informational texts to practice and apply reading comprehension skills, such as asking and answering questions, making inferences, and comparing and contrasting.


Social Studies

Through inquiry-based activities, students explore culturally relevant topics in economics, geography, government, and history to make connections to real-world experiences and issues.

Instructional Resources

  • Lesson plans
  • Teachers’ guides with week-by-week recommendations
  • Resource guide to align with your content area(s) and ELD model
  • Printables for your classroom

Expert Collaborators

Dr. Kia McDaniel

Dr. Kia McDaniel

Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Adria Klein

Dr. Adria Klein

Comprehensive Literacy Center Director & Trainer

Dr. Tahira DuPree Chase

Superintendent of Schools

Read with me


Help Multilingual Learners make the connection between spoken and written word



Expose Multilingual Learners to new vocabulary in a variety of ways

Focus Mode

Focus Mode

Limit the number of tools on the canvas to guide learners

Experience the Seesaw difference


  • Communicate with families in 100+ languages
  • Collaborate with up to co-teachers and support staff to ensure all educators are in the loop
  • Create student groups for easy differentiation


  • Access multiple ways to model, practice, reflect on, and use new language skills
  • Hear themselves, reflect, and improve their English speaking skills
  • Capture progress year-over-year with student led digital portfolios


  • Monitor the progress of their ELD program
  • Make data-driven decisions with school and district-level dashboards

Seesaw English Language Development

Teachers love teaching English development at the same time as core academic content with Seesaw ELD. Will the teachers at your school be next? 

Funding to Support English Learners and English Proficiency

This guide helps educational leaders & decision-makers get the most from federal funding and demonstrates how Seesaw supports ESSA requirements.

Leveraging new premium instruction and assessment tools

Leveraging new premium instruction and assessment tools

Get Started with Seesaw ELD

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