Learn from the Experts: 3 Tips to Start the School Year Off Strong

Teacher and students back to school in class

At Seesaw, we are committed to helping educators reach their full potential so that they’re able to encourage and help their students do the same over the course of the year. This begins on the very first day of school. Our past Learn with the Expert sessions have featured research and tactics on various topics, including some helpful ways that educators can start the school year off on the right foot. With invaluable resources such as a great lesson library, featured webinars with industry experts, and thought-leadership conferences, partnering with Seesaw is the perfect way to set yourself up for success this school year.

In addition to the year-round webinars and lessons library, we are also hosting an upcoming online conference in early August that is sure to get educators in the right headspace to begin a great year. Connect is a thought-provoking and dynamic free virtual conference, crafted by educators for educators with the goal of igniting inspiration, fostering growth, and energizing educators for the school year. This two-day personalized conference features engaging panel sessions, networking opportunities, certificates of attendance for each session, and more. Now, let’s dive into our tips for starting off the school year on the right foot!

Create a Kind and Calm Classroom Through Mindfulness

Did you know that for every minute of explicit social and emotional learning instruction, classroom teachers gain back 12 minutes of academic lesson time? Encouraging mindfulness to occur in the classroom is a great way to increase attention, teach how to self-regulate, build stronger empathy and social-emotional skills, and improve overall well-being.

Research shows that students who receive social-emotional instruction and support—like mindful practice—experience an 11% gain in standardized testing outcomes. By definition, mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening in the present moment, as a way to help humans know themselves which in turn makes them kinder and more self-aware.

In our recent webinar Learn with the Expert: Create a Calm, Focused, and Kind Classroom with Mind Yeti’s Casey Escola, educators learn practical strategies for integrating mindfulness into the classroom in order to create a calm, kind, and focused environment. With Mind Yeti’s lessons on emotional regulation, empathy, compassion, and focus, educators are able to maximize valuable instructional time and create a positive learning environment for students. Because mindfulness can benefit both students and teachers and has a beneficial lasting effect on young learners, it’s a great practice to implement in your classroom at the beginning of this school year.

Foster Family Engagement

Because learning happens everywhere, all the time, it’s critical that families take part in their student’s education. By setting this precedent at the beginning of the year, educators are able to foster lifelong learners successfully. The experts on our recent Learn with the Seesaw Expert: PreK and Transitional Kindergarten with Seesaw Library session exhibited the importance of supporting PK and TK learners in order to help them thrive—an idea that applies to all grade levels.

Even seemingly small tasks such as tackling an assignment together as a family shows support, involvement, and interest in a student’s education. Teachers and educators are able to do this by inviting families into the “classroom” as part of the lesson. Starting at the beginning of the school year, educators should encourage families to support their learners by providing space for play and natural curiosity, working alongside them on their lessons, and connecting with the school community by getting involved.

Parents and students ready for their first day of school

Encourage Intelligent Digital Citizens

The beginning of the year is a great time to cover how to stay safe while learning online—a skill that is growing more crucial in today’s digital world. Because students will most likely be learning on electronic devices through the school year, it’s educators’ responsibility to ensure students know how to act responsibly and respectfully in this new territory to make sure they are staying safe.

In our Learn with the Seesaw Expert: Digital Citizenship with Seesaw Library with Kris Szajner webinar, educators learn how they can support students in becoming good digital citizens by covering safety fundamentals and responsibility in addition to using tools like Seesaw’s online platform and library. Over the course of the year, students can learn to problem-solve and think critically when faced with decisions online, but the best way to build up to this point is to lay the foundations at the beginning of the school year.


There are so many great beginnings waiting for both students and educators at the opening of this school year! Setting the classroom up for success is one of the best ways to maximize the potential of individuals and the class as a whole this year.

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