An Interview with 1st Grade Teacher Lindsay Kemeny

Elementary Teacher Whole Group Instruction

We took a field trip to visit Lindsay Kemeny, a first grade teacher in Davis School District. She shared what’s on her mind this year as she gets ready for back to school!

Pick one word that is your focus or intention this school year.

Lindsay: Embrace

What are some traditions or superstitions you have for the first day of school?

Lindsay: I love reading students the book “Don’t Eat Your Classmates” on the first day of school. It’s fun and silly and gets everyone laughing.

Elementary teacher working with small group of students

How does Seesaw bring learning to life in your classroom?

Lindsay: It gives students an authentic reason to do their work. Students are so excited to share their writing, reading, creations, etc. with others.

What is the best advice someone ever gave you?

Lindsay: A wonderful mentor of mine taught me to have high expectations for all students. It’s made such a difference in my teaching.

Elementary teacher phonics instruction with small group

How do you use Seesaw to connect with families?

Lindsay: I love that parents can see first-hand what we are doing in the classroom. It’s like being a fly on the wall. I love it and so do they!

If you were able to have an unlimited amount of something for your classroom, what would it be and why?

Lindsay: Fine point dry-erase markers. My students use these every day and we can never have enough.

Share one Seesaw goosebumps moment. Was there a time learning was captured on Seesaw that gave you goosebumps?

Lindsay: I love when students hear a recording of their reading from the beginning of the year and compare it with one at the end. It’s so fun to hear their excitement and surprise.

Elementary teacher reading with student

What is the best compliment you could get from a student or a parent?

Lindsay: “When they tell me how impressed they are with the amount of growth they’ve seen from their child.”

What would your students be surprised to find out about you?

Lindsay: That I have written a book for teachers about teaching reading! I’m so excited to share my new book with my students this coming year. I’ll tell them about how I wanted to be a writer when I was a kid and now I finally am one. I hope this inspires them to reach for their goals and dreams.

Share a notable teaching moment that you still think about today.

Lindsay: The moment one of my students excitedly exclaimed, “Mrs. Kemeny! I am ACTUALLY READING THE WORDS!” I can still hear his voice and see the look on his face. Best moment ever.

What/who inspired you to become an educator?

Lindsay: I was a serious dancer when I was younger and would often perform in school assemblies. It was being in those schools that made me realize I wanted to be a teacher.

If you could take your students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them? And why?

Lindsay: I’d say an educational tour of Disneyland, but to be honest…I’d be way too stressed about losing a student there! Haha. Since I love teaching reading, maybe Powell’s Bookstore in Portland which is the largest independent bookstore in the world. And then I’d pair that trip with something fun like an aquarium or the coast.

Join Lindsay Kemeny at Connect 2023! Lindsay Kemeny Headshot

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