Month: September 2022

Benefits of Interactive Whiteboards You Might Be Missing

Students at Whiteboard

Interactive whiteboards open a new world of possibilities for whole group instruction. Many teachers have their go-to ways to use their interactive whiteboards. But there are a few benefits of interactive whiteboards you might be missing. Now that the Present to Class button is available on any Seesaw activity or lesson, getting started is easy. […]

Schools Facing Critical Teacher Shortages, Here’s How Seesaw Can Help

Administrators and teachers talking in the hallway of a school

Many schools are entering the new year with an unprecedented number of vacancies. There just aren’t enough teachers. States and districts are trying creative ways to address the teacher shortage, including issuing temporary certifications, hiring long-term substitute teachers, increasing class sizes, and shortening the school week. Such interventions may succeed in filling vacancies. They may […]

3 Ideas to Make Morning Meeting Even Better

Seesaw students completing a morning meeting routine

Morning meeting is an important routine in many elementary classrooms. It can help build community, reinforce concepts and skills from previous days, and support social-emotional development. In the first weeks of school, many teachers focus on establishing a strong morning meeting routine. As students master the basics, you might wonder, “How can I make morning […]

Creating a Happy Classroom through Downregulation Strategies and Emotional Resonance

Seesaw happy classroom of elementary students

Our August Learn with the Expert session featured Roni Habib, veteran teacher, founder of EQ Schools, and expert in supporting educators to be happy, resilient, connected, and playful. Like many educators, Roni Habib became a teacher to help kids. In the beginning of his career, his passion often led him to put his students’ needs […]

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