Month: February 2023

When We Partner, Everyone Wins: Family Engagement in Education with Dr. Karen Mapp

Seesaw teacher walking with student and parent to class

Partnerships between school and the home are critical for driving student achievement and school improvement. Yet for many educators, it can be difficult to cultivate and sustain effective family partnerships. In this Learn with the Expert webinar, leading family engagement researcher Dr. Karen Mapp shares why school-home partnerships are so important and how educators can […]

Phonics Practice That’s Fun! Original Alphabet Songs from Seesaw

In “How Music Primes the Brain for Learning,” Holly Korbey shares how powerful music in the classroom can be. “Consistent exposure to music” she writes, “strengthens a particular set of academic and social-emotional skills that are essential to learning.” Phonics practice is a perfect opportunity to add music in your classroom! Introducing: Original Alphabet Songs from […]

Celebrate President’s Day in Your Elementary Classroom

Seesaw's Scoop infront of the whitehouse

Celebrating Presidents Day in your classroom is a great way to help your students develop a deeper understanding of American history and its key figures. Presidents Day, which is celebrated on the third Monday in February, provides a great opportunity to teach your students about the history of the presidency, its evolution, and the people […]

#BacktoSeesaw Giveaway

#BacktoSeesaw banner image

To start off this school year, Seesaw helped teachers from all over the world get #BacktoSeesaw in their classrooms. When teachers get #BacktoSeesaw, they create engaging instructional experiences and help students show what they know in the way that works best for them. Teachers all over the world shared how they were getting #BacktoSeesaw. Seesaw […]

Celebrate and Honor Black History Month

Celebrating Black History is important not only in February, but every day. Together, we can recognize and honor the many ways Black people have influenced, inspired, and impacted the world. Here are 3 ideas to celebrate and honor Black History Month in your classroom. With the lessons in the Seesaw Library, students can: interpret data […]

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