Archives: Resources

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Stephanie Towe’s Success Story

By allowing students to research and then create their presentations in Seesaw I have seen huge growth. They are able to build a presentation that has video, links, photos, labels, voice, and more! They are thrilled to share what they have found online that meets our academic standards. Once taught how to use the program […]

Dr. Ruthie Walker’s Story

Seesaw has become a great way for me as a principal to connect with parents to help support their children on days when the morning may not start out positively at home. I have had parents message for me to check on their child and I can easily reply with a picture of their child […]

Caitlin Murphy’s Success Story

What a difference to be able to show our parents or to show our learners and they can see how far they’ve come in a year from just tracking using the video or the voice tools. And that’s why you love that Seesaw in the portfolios. So what we love about it, our students are […]

Tonya Kelly M.Ed’s Success Story

Seesaw provides my students with accountability, creativity, and engagement. Seesaw meets students where they are at. The user-friendly digital platform gives my students the power to engage in their own rights as digital citizens. Students learn to receive and give positive feedback. I also use Seesaw as a direct line of communication to incorporate my […]

Stefanie Kleinholter’s Success Story

I love the idea of interacting with families and the school community through school-wide events. When you aren’t able to get everyone into the building or to an event, video options can provide that “wow factor” of building relationships with your families. You can engage the community around you with video messaging options to share […]

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