Archives: Resources

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Caitlin Arakawa’s Success Story

Seesaw’s digital portfolios allow my students to document, expand, and reflect on their hands-on projects that happen in our classroom. Science experiments and STEAM projects have drastically improved because students can document every step of the process with pictures and videos, explain each step with the test, drawing, or recording tool, and reflect on their […]

Katherine Hurlbert’s Success Story

Seesaw helped me turn the page in my effectiveness as a teacher, starting back in 2014 when I began my journey using it. I would work really hard to teach engaging lessons, and students would nod and smile, and I thought they understood, but often, they just did not grasp the content or were unable […]

Brittany Jones’ Success Story

It’s often hard for parents to understand all of the learning that takes place in early childhood, as well as how to support their children in reinforcing skills and knowledge. Seesaw has allowed me to observe not only what my PreK son was doing in his general education classroom but also during his speech class. […]

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