Resource Type: Success Stories

Mary-Jo Mcshane

I use Seesaw to create instruction that is based on the curriculum in our school. I also use many of the activities that have been created to save time. The instruction I find keeps the students engaged and they enjoy sharing their learning on this platform.

Amanda Lindemann’s Success Story

My at-home connections transformed the year that I utilized Seesaw to create weekly video newsletters for my kindergarten class. These ‘starred’ different students each week and really motivated the parents to tune in AND really kept the students accountable for being in the know about what we learned that week. They really wanted to star […]

Michele Canton’s Success Story

As a gifted and talented teacher, my students do a lot of project-based learning. Seesaw provides me with a great way to show families what is going on in our classroom, as it can take multiple weeks sometimes to have something that is ready to send home. We can document the journey and connect learning […]

Jody Green’s Success Story

I have always been an advocate for students creating digital portfolios, and Seesaw is the perfect tool for students to use for this purpose. Not only does it allow students to show their learning process, but it also allows them to reflect on their progress and growth. Selecting and curating portfolio entries based on students’ […]

Kari Kenepp’s Success Story

I always knew that Seesaw was a great tool for formative assessment but a few years ago I put it to the test! 🙂 I couldn’t resist the pun! I taught first grade at that time and my students were really struggling with some math concepts. I decided to try a new approach- small group […]

Abby Zaputil’s Success Story

Seesaw helps me with accessing and differentiating student work because it’s so student friendly, that most of my students can navigate the site without any issues. This allows me to quickly find activities that can support a skill we are working on and assign it for students to access independently. I like that it’s become […]

Jessica Keller’s Success Story

I love that Seesaw gives me the platform to push out lessons for students to listen to and work on independently. This gives me more time and freedom to help my first graders work out misconceptions and apply the skills taught through the Seesaw platform in a smaller group based on what I can see […]

Lindsay Yanuzzelli’s Success Story

A few years ago I had a very quiet student. She was so shy, nervous and had a hard time leaving my side during the school day. She had a traumatic incident during summer camp the summer before coming to my class. Her mom was in tears telling me how hard it was to get […]

Kara Cushing’s Success Story

As an educator, it is my job to meet my students where they are at. In order to do so, I personally teach everything in small groups. During math, one of my rotations is technology. During this time they log onto Seesaw where they complete their activity of the day. I am able to differentiate […]

Crystal Franusiak’s Success Story

I utilize Seesaw for my morning meeting every day with the students. The ability to have them engage and participate in the meeting has been wonderful. It supports collaborative learning experiences, allowing students to comment on each other’s work and collaborate on group projects. This fosters a sense of community within the classroom and encourages […]

Brittany Orr’s Success Story

I work in a low income area where parents are barely able to afford the little bit of food on the table, so you can imagine how hard it is to get parents involved in their child’s learning. I had a young boy this year struggling academically and behaviorally. I would try to call his […]

Lindsay Kemeny’s Success Story

Seesaw gives students an authentic reason to do their work. Students are so excited to share their writing, reading, creations, etc. with others. I love it when students hear a recording of their reading from the beginning of the year and compare it with one at the end. It’s so fun to hear their excitement […]

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