Resource Type: Success Stories

Jeanne Paff’s Success Story

When we were given some required assessments as part of our math curriculum, I was able to create digital assessments in Seesaw using the content. I could read the questions to students so that they could take the assessments at their own pace. I had a digital copy of their results to guide instruction. I […]

Kelley Dougherty’s Success Story

Seesaw supports accessible and differentiated learning by allowing students to choose the tools they need to easily express their learning experiences in an independent way. Students can capture projects created and explain what they learned in the process while highlighting their own interests and discoveries. In my class, students are given time in the morning […]

Melissa Sheffer’s Success Story

Family Communication With Seesaw, our students could showcase their work in ways we hadn’t imagined before. Photos, videos, and written assignments came to life on this platform, allowing for a comprehensive view of their progress. Not only that, but Seesaw also opened up seamless communication channels between students, parents, and teachers. The parents loved seeing […]

Kaylee Whitelaw’s Success Story

Making that home-school connection provides families with not just passive information about school but a door into their child’s learning and daily routines at school. For kindergarten families it can be daunting sending little ones off to school on their own – what will it look like? Who will their teachers be? What will they […]

Amy Burns’ Success Story

In elementary music class, students’ musical growth can be seen through video and audio examples. Before Seesaw, this meant that families and caregivers would attend a concert. However, the concert was the finished product and it was challenging to showcase how much the students grew to get to the point where they had the confidence […]

Cara Pavek’s Success Story

Seesaw Messages is my go-to tool for family engagement, specifically communication. In this post-COVID world, when families can be overwhelmed with too many usernames and passwords, I love that Seesaw provides them with one place to go to know what’s going on at school. Not only can they interact with their child’s learning through the […]

Robin Schuhmacher’s Success Story

Seesaw allows me to see my students’ learning daily. I am able to use Seesaw to teach, model learning, and differentiate for all of my students. It allows me to be in many places at one time while giving my students a safe and comfortable platform to share their learning. I’m able to pop in […]

Michelle Gibson’s Success Story

Seesaw has empowered me to look for creative ways to make learning more accessible for my students. As a primary teacher, I encounter many students with varying needs, some are already identified and outlined with an IEP in place while others are just at the beginning of their journey. The flexibility Seesaw provides allows students […]

Marnie Diem’s Success Story

The voice tags in Seesaw have been one of the most powerful tools on the platform because they allow me to reach all my learners. Instead of having to read directions, words, or stories, I can read them to each student individually using a voice tag. Imagine if I had 24 kids coming up to […]

Denise Gallegos’ Success Story

Since testing has become an essential part of learning in our public schools, I find Seesaw inspiring and motivating for students. They leave the answer choices aside and focus on what mostly matters: a passion for learning. I have followed Seesaw from its beginnings and firmly believe in the platform. It allows students to share […]

Courtney Prugh’s Success Story

I am an elementary art teacher so portfolios are how I show growth. When students take their art home, I have no way of knowing whether or not they talk to their families about what they’ve made and what they’ve learned. By using Seesaw, students are able to record their thoughts and knowledge while it’s […]

Kelly Sodolak’s Success Story

Being a parent and an educator, I was super excited to be able to use Seesaw as a tool to share our day with my student’s parents. I teach PreK, and sending your 4-year-old off to school for the first time is hard. Knowing this, from day one, I consistently send updates about what the […]

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